Thursday, April 7, 2011

you are my sunshine pt. II

my absolute favorite photo of Baby E. 

you are my sunshine

My littlest sister, Esme, has been very sick the last month or so. She has been out of school for quite some time due to a serious bout of pneumonia and another diagnosis of some fancy name. I really hope she feels and gets better soon--she's been through A LOT.....I really really really wish I could be home with her and help her feel better.
Also, eccentric little E loves the show "Strange Addictions." Now, E is also a chain thumbsucker, and once she saw the episode on a 35 year old woman sucking her thumb, she decided to call it quits. Check out her little chart (She learned how many days it takes to beat a habit from the show)...She beat it!
She is my hero.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

cutie patootie

some sunshine for you on this rainy tuesday. Lil Solee, 2010.

happy birthday, carli!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of my dearest friends and most beautiful friends, Carli. Cheers to you, lovely!